Thursday, March 20, 2008

Family is Home!

We don't get to all be together very often, but this past weekend was very special. They even brought their solid color shirts for pictures! I have great kids. We enjoy them so much. Kayla, Jade and Eli got to stay until Tuesday and we went to Target to shop a little. Such fun. I played with Eli and watched all my beautiful girls try on clothes. Doesn't get better than that.
I love for them to go to church with us. Our church family feels like they know them but hardly ever get to see them. Sometimes I worry that our kids don't think we have time for them because of the needs here. When they come, my prayer is always that they will see again God's hand in this place and know again that He brought us here to do His work. I know they already know that.
There is nothing in this world I love doing more than serving our sweet kids.
God chose to put us all in different places to serve Him. He wouldn't have done that if we weren't trusting Him enough. We would still need to depend on each other being close by until we got strong enough to serve elsewhere. They are strong enough to serve elsewhere. Lord, bless them in their service for You. I pray for their faithfulness to You. Let them by in Your will so they will hear Your voice.

3 thoughts:

Wendi said...

Carol you have such a beautiful family! I didn't even recognize the girls! They're so grown-up! I miss you! I miss you! I miss you! :)

neecie said...

These are so good. Hope to see you all soon.

Suzanna said...

I wish I could have been there! The photos of Eli are great! I love the BIG photos on your blog! I can feel the love of your family shooting out of the computer screen...and I like it!