I didn't say it.
Paul did. He was writing to the believers in the area of Galatia, basically rebuking them for going back to their old ways of following the law. I went back to Acts 13 and read where he had been there before encouraging them in the temple. One thing really stuck out to me. He began his encouragment by reminding them of their God Who was with their ancesters in captivity in Egypt. Then he said, "With His uplifted arm He brought them out of it."
With His uplifted arm He brought them out of it.
I stayed on that verse a while, because we all know it was Moses' uplifted arm that parted the waters for the multitude of men, women, and children to cross through on dry land to continue their journey to the land that was promised them.
Truthfully? It couldn't have been Moses. He was only the willing vessel. He could have never held that arm up long enough to get all those people through. He just said "yes". Or maybe "okay". Come to think of it, he argued just a little bit when God first told him He needed him. Then he agreed.
Back to the Galations. The first part of this letter to those believers was basically Paul's testimony of his conversion. At one point he told them about how he went to some churches that had never met him in person, but had heard that he once persecuted the Jews. They knew by
word of mouth that he stopped persecuting and started preaching the faith he once destroyed.
Then he said it. Those words I've thought about daily in the last several weeks. "
They glorified God because of Me." I don't know about you, sweet ones, but my heart breaks over the thought of not being a willing vessel like Moses and Paul. Do you say "ok" to Jesus when He asks you to put a comforting arm around a hurting sister? Do you say "yes, Lord" when He asks you to forgive someone who has wronged you? It's hard for Him to use a hard, unforgiving heart.
Do you glorify God in all you do so that others tell their friends about your love for your Saviour? To people you don't even know? Do you honor Him and humble yourself before Him so that you will have a usable heart?
Does your heart feel heavy right now, like mine, because I know there are times that I'm not willing? Sweet Jesus, I want to glorify You so that others will glorify You because of me. Not just me, but for all these precious ones I love so much. That our testimonies of Your greatness will be told to others whether they know us or not. And that You will be glorified because of us. All of us. I love You so much.