Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hannah's Song

This is the song Hannah wrote and sang for her daddy at her wedding.

Three screaming baby girls echo through the house
One song from you and It’d be quieter than a mouse
Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me
I can’t express my love, My cup overflows
I love you Daddy

Bedtime songs were sweet, we’d memorize every word
Like ‘The Anchor Holds’ or ‘Papa’s Gonna Buy a Mockingbird’
Sweet dreams filled our heads as angels filled the air
The night ends in double kisses and a prayer

You always put us first that’s true
No matter what the day has put you through
I could never repay you for all that you do
I just wanted to stop a minute and say
Daddy, I love you

Now that we’re growing up, life is getting hard
You’re always there to say just stop and take it to the Lord
Thank you for leading us down the path you do
Another great reason why I’d like to say
Daddy, I love you

Daddy, I love you

Thank you for leading us down the path you do
Another great reason why I’d like to say
Daddy, I love you

Daddy, I love you



  1. OH MY GOODNESS! That poem is beautiful! I could have said those very things to my own Dad. Thank you for sharing - and may God bless your love for one another.


  2. I can't sing The Anchor Holds without thinking of Michael and the girls...those sweet baby girls that are sweet grown up ladies!!! Hannah did an amazing job on this sweet song, and wedding looks like it was beautiful.
    Love and blessings to you all!
