Thursday, November 7, 2013

Binding Up

So many with broken hearts.

The shoulders shake, the head hurts from tears dried up but still wanting release.

To the sweet momma who does not know where her daughter is, to the one feeling abandoned.  To the one who knows God's will for her life but is still a bit apprehensive.  To the one who wonders if she can get through sleepless nights and how it is all supposed to work.

He came to bind up the brokenhearted.

Those words have been read probably thousands of times, but yesterday they popped off of the page.  So did the pink ink in the margin explaining the meaning of each word.

Bind up:  to wrap around; cover; envelope; compress; stop

I remembered a time in Snyder when I was coming out of the doctor's office and a young lady was walking up to the window.  She had a blood soaked towel wrapped around the bottom part of her leg.  She told the girl at the window that she needed to see a doctor.  I looked down and saw that the towel had slipped and was no longer covering the wound.  Just by looking at the gash in her leg I could see every time her heart would beat, the blood pumping out and soaking the towel underneath.  She was told to go to the ER, but she had been dropped off and would have to walk.  There was no way she would make it so I loaded her up in my car and drove her over after I pulled up the towel and told her to press hard. 

This is what came to mind when I saw the word "compress".

That is what He came for. 

He came to press hard on the wound to stop the gushing of life with every heart beat.  To stop the pain so you can take your next breath.

Even the pressing hurts, but it brings the healing.  It stops the life from draining. It brings in the next breath when you didn't think it could happen.

I cannot think of a safer place to be than to be enveloped, wrapped up, and covered by Him as He begins the pressing process of healing.

Hold them close, Jesus, hold them real close.
